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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

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In the June 2024 SATs, our pupils demonstrated exceptional outcomes, once again exceeding national expectations in all areas! Our school value this half term is 'Rocco' Responsibility.

Addison Primary School

Welcome to Addison Primary School

Welcome to our website - we hope you will find all the information you need about our school. I am sure you will catch a glimpse of all the exciting experiences we offer at Addison Primary School.

Read more about us

Key Stage 2 SATs Results


Our Results 100%
National Percentage 74%


Our Results 92%
National Percentage 72%


Our Results 97%
National Percentage 73%


Our Results 97%
National Percentage 72%

Reading - Writing - Math, combined

Our Results 92%
National Percentage 61%

Our Values

Respect icon

Ria Respect is:

  • Confident and tries her best to feel good about herself
  • Knows that she is unique and special
  • A good listener and appreciates others and their ideas
  • Thoughtful and treats others nicely
  • Respectful of the environment and seeks ways to protect it
Responsibility icon

Rocco Responsibility is:

  • Fair and knows how to take turns
  • A good learning partner and does his share of the work
  • Sensible and knows how to keep safe, especially when using the internet
  • Able to take action at the right time and make the right choice
Resilience icon

Percy Perseverance is:

  • Keeps going and does not give up - even when things are difficult
  • Embraces challenges even when unsure of the outcome
  • Is ok with failing and practices ‘bouncing back’
  • Is persistent with his efforts to improve the environment
Honesty icon

Ollie Honest is:

  • Steadfast when telling the truth about events
  • Dependable and can be trusted to do the right thing
  • True to himself and will always speak up for others
  • Committed to having good relationships with friends
Friendship icon

Fatimah Friendship is:

  • Supportive and encouraging towards others
  • Always there to share good times and sad times
  • Aware that true friendship sometimes means making compromises
  • Welcoming and kind – and always includes others in games and playtimes
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