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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Jade Class is taught by Miss Needham, supported by Mr Mac, Miss Penny and Miss Dima. If you need to contact us please email


Welcome to Jade Class! We are on an exciting journey to becoming amazing writers, readers and mathematicians so please make sure that your children learn their spellings, read every night, practice their handwriting and number facts!


Maths homework is set Monday to Thursday and needs to be handed in every morning. On Friday the children are set topic related homework which is due the following Monday. Spellings are also handed out on Monday to be practised with a parent for the spelling test on Friday. Children will also be given a new book to read every evening. 


Year One learning can be found in our class page where you will find our curriculum overview.  The children in Jade Class are supported academically and pastorally with a focus on building great relationships with their teachers and peers, becoming confident and resilient and having lots of fun along the way. 


Please visit the Year 1 gallery to see examples of our exciting learning!