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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Reading and Comprehension

Week 14 beginning 13th July
Week 13- beginning 6th July
Week 12- beginning 29th June 
Week 11- Week beginning 22nd June 
Week 10- Week beginning 15th June
Week 9- week beginning 8th June 

Extra online reading lesson- Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies

Extra online reading lesson- Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies

Extra online reading lesson- Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies

Week 8- beginning 1st June
Week 7- beginning 18th May
Week 6- beginning 11th May
Week 5- week beginning 4th May

Funny Bones- Extra Fun Reading Activity.

Week 4- beginning 27/4/20
Group 1

Day 1- Rainforest

Day 2- The Best Dress Ever

Group 2 

Day 1- Rainforests

Day 2 - The Best Dress Ever

Group 3

Day 1- Rainforests

Day 2- The Best Dress Ever

Week 3- week beginning 20/4/20
Group 1

Day 1- Easter

Day 2- The Hare and Tortoise

Group 2

The Hare and Tortoise

Group 3 

The Hare and Tortoise

Week 2- week beginning 30/3/20

Group 1 

Day 1 and 2- A Monster Surprise

Day 3 and 4- Caring for a Dog

Group 2

Day 1 and 2 - Monster Surprise

Day 3 and 4- Caring for a Dog

Group 3

Day 1 and 2 - Monster Surprise

Day 3 and 4- Caring for a Dog