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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

About Us

Welcome to Addison Primary School

I have been Head Teacher at Addison since 2015 and Executive Head Teacher since 2024, meaning Miss N. Dirir was appointed Head of School in 2024. Together, we know that Addison is an incredibly special school, and we could not be prouder of the children, staff, and community around us.


We have achieved so much in recent years and secured a culture and ethos within the school that is of high aspirations, care, and a continuous drive to provide the children with the very best start in life. Our pupil results continue to go from strength to strength and we are now one of the highest performing schools nationally (previously ranked 48th out of over 16,000 schools). Other highlights include: top 1% in Phonics; top 1% in Multiplication; and, top 5% in SATs in 2023.


Our core set of values, generated by pupils, parents and staff, are Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Honesty and Friendship.  Values are principles that guide behaviour and choices.  The Values that we teach are relatable to our pupils through the ‘values characters’.  These help our pupils to understand how to develop their character, to know that individual differences should be valued, to be resilient, reflective and have empathy and respect for one another.

We have a vision where we work together,


‘To give pupils experiences and opportunities that are above and beyond the academic which will enable them to become resilient, compassionate and resourceful individuals’.


Our curriculum is based on a themed approach and every lesson and every experience is tailored towards ensuring that every pupil succeeds.  Curriculum themes are used to help all pupils succeed in achieving their goals. 


Pupils have a set of 'pupil priorities', that all school staff promote throughout the year.  For 2024/25, these are:

  • I practise being confident - This means:
    • Speaking out in class and assembly
    • Not being afraid to take a chance, even though the answer might be wrong
    • expressing how I feel, even when I'm sad or upset
  • I am a reader - This means:
    • I always have a book to read at home and at school
    • I know a range of genres and authors and have a favourite
    • I read for pleasure
  • I live by the Addison Values - This means:
    • I know the school values: Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Honesty & Friendship and what they mean
    • I try to make my choices like the, 'Addison Characters' would (in and out of school)
    • I encourage others to be the best they can


Strong partnerships with parents are part of our success, and the many themed days, for example, International Day are what makes Addison special.  Please do spend time looking through our website which will guide you through our curriculum intent, approach, vision and values.


D. Mc Garrigle                           N. Dirir

Executive Head Teacher           Head of School