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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

KS2 Writing structure

From Year 2 to Year 6, every term children compose four extended pieces of writing. In these pieces, teachers focus on the grammar foci that match the year group expectations. Not only do teachers focus on the grammar foci for their year group, but children also revise previous grammar expectations during grammar starters every day.



At Addison, we believe in broadening the children’s vocabulary bank. In order to do this, teachers explicitly teach rich vocabulary for each unit. The children learn rich vocabulary in the context of the text type and then experiment with the words so that they are able to apply them in different sentence types. This can be through games, songs or role-play.



The children are then fully equipped and are able to create a writing toolkit. Using writing toolkits as success criteria for their work, the children then plan, write and edit their writing. At Addison, we fully believe in children editing and up-levelling their own work. The children do this in green pen so that teachers can see the children making changes to their pieces, just as well-known authors do! After editing and perfecting, the children publish their pieces in their celebration books. The children take pride in these books and move through the school with them. By the end of Year 6, they have a portfolio of their writing throughout Addison.


As children work their way up the school, they become confident in identifying the ‘Purpose, Audience, Language and Structure’ (PALS) of the texts they read. This provides the children with a sense of direction in their own writing and helps develop their author’s voice.