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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together



At Addison, we aim to foster a love and appreciation of writing where children are able to develop creativity and imagination. We have chosen diverse text types that provide opportunity to write for different purposes. Throughout their school journey, children read adventure, historical, modern and traditional stories. They encounter writing from varied authors, ranging from the humorous works of Roald Dahl to the deep, eerie scripts of William Shakespeare.



We try to make our texts relevant and relatable to the children. The texts studied in English correspond with the topic subjects, but also have a range of protagonists (diverse in gender and ethnicity) and discuss key themes related to mental health and wellbeing. Through embedding these key themes in our lessons, the children make links and relate to the texts at hand, taking lessons and morals from the book and using them in their personal growth.


We have high expectations of our children at Addison and we try to incorporate writing in all subjects to maintain high standards. For example, in History Year 3 children wrote a non-chronological report on why the River Nile was so important for the Ancient Egyptians.