Week 14- beginning 13th July
L.O: To Revise Everything I know About Plants
Week 13- beginning 6th July
L.O: Identify edible plants
Week 12- beginning 29th June
L.O: To understand how to keep plants healthy
Week 11- beginning: 22nd June
L.O: To identify parts of a plant
Week 10- Week beginning: 15th June
L.O: To understand food chains
Week 9- Week beginning 8th June
L.O: To explore sea creatures and their habitats
Week 8- Week beginning 1st June
L.O: To explore minibeasts and their habitat
Week 7- Week beginning 18th May
L.O: To explore Arctic animals and their habitat
Week 6- Week beginning 11th May
L.O: To identify nocturnal and diurnal animals
Week 5- Week beginning 4th May
L.O: To know that a habitat is where an animal or plant can find the things it needs to survive
Week 4- Week beginning 27/4/20
L.O: To identify objects that are alive, were once alive or have never been alive.
Week 3- beginning- 20/4/20
L.O: To understand that there are many different types of habitats
Week 2
To Understand the Basic Needs of animals
Week 1
L.O: To explain the life cycle of animals including humans
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