Gallery of Our Learning
Tower of London
What a fantastic we had at the Tower of London last week. The children were amazing from start to finish and we were even complimented on the tube. We all remembered lots of interesting facts about the Great Fire of London and found out lots more too. The drama workshop was lots of fun as we travelled back in time to 1666 and played out the terrible events.
World Book Day
Year 2 had a fantastic world book day trying to figure out who the sneaky book thief was! Everyone looked amazing dressed as their favourite book characters. Our week was filled with fun book themed activities, such as: guess the character, performance poetry, creating settings and the masked reader.
Year 2 have the fantastic opportunity to play tennis on Brook Green this term. We had an excellent afternoon in the sunshine, practising ball skills and learning how to use a tennis racket. We are looking forward to perfecting these skills and playing some games in the coming weeks.
Mindfulness art
We created fans to keep us cool in the summer. We used mindful music to inspire the colours and patterns that we created. Once painted we used glue to stick that handles in place and decorated the handles with paint.
This half term, Sapphire Class are doing dance for one of their PE lessons. This week we were exploring movement based on water and rivers. Children used dance and movement to represent how a river travels from its source to the mouth and out into the ocean.
Performance poetry
Sapphire class had lots of fun reading the Lion Inside. Each group were given a section of the narrative poem and came up with their own actions. After some time to practise, each group performed their section to the rest of the class.
Mindfulness Crafts
This week Sapphire Class created gratitude paper chains. We reflected and discussed things that we are grateful for and wrote them down on strips of paper. Then we linked each strip together to make paper chains.
Year 2 have been creating collages using different materials. We read a story called the Lion Inside and used this as inspiration. The moral of the story is that anyone can be courageous, no matter their size.
GFoL Drama
Due to our trip to the Tower of London being postponed, we a day filled with drama and art in school instead. We explored how fire and wind might have moved across the city and how water from the Thames and the weakening wind helped to put the fire out.
We have started learning about money and have enjoyed recognising and counting different coins and notes.
Values certificates 4th November 2021
Congratulations to year 2's Star learners and Values stars this week!
We have been exploring different jumps, rolls and balances in gymnastics. The pupils have been learning how to link movements together to create a short routine. We are exploring how we can use apparatus to improve the sequence of movements.
Values stars and Star Learners 29/09/21
Well done to this week's star learners and values stars!
This week, we have been exploring colour mixing. Using the three primary colour, we were able to mix different greens, purples and oranges. We painted these onto a colour wheel.
National Fitness Day
We all enjoyed a day of physical activities for national Fitness Day. We had lots of opportunities for wiggle-time and a fun fitness session with Mr. G. We learnt about why physical activity is an important part of being healthy.
History - Great Fire of London
We used drama to put ourselves in the shoes of the people who lived in London at the time of the fire.