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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Gallery of learning

Spring 1: this term has been full of exciting visitors as we studied 'people who help us'. We have worked on our aim when throwing underarm, learnt about healthy lifestyles and consolidated our understanding of numbers to 10. We had so much fun on number day too!

AUTUMN 2: this term has begun with Remembrance day where we listened to a song and then drew our poppies and participated in the 2 minutes silence. For Children in Need and PJ day we drew lots of different Pudsey bears including a collaborative whole class one! For anti-bullying week we have been speaking about Fatima Friendship and how we need to show kindness to everyone.

AUTUMN 1: In Reception, we have been copying and creating simple patterns, mark making and sharing the special messages with friends and working hard at our phonics.