Science at Addison Primary
Science teaching at Addison follows the National Curriculum guidelines through a termly topic approach, providing a broad, relevant science curriculum for all the children. We teach the children through a balance of knowledge and investigational skills, linked to the big ideas in science. Active engagement in learning is encouraged and children often work cooperatively, communicating their scientific ideas to each other. Basic scientific concepts are developed with the aim of helping children understand the world around them and encouraging them to develop a sense of responsibility towards it. Pupils are encouraged to combine interest and curiosity with a responsible attitude towards health and safety, as well as respect for living things and the physical environment.
Our key objectives include:
- Developing inquiring minds and fostering curiosity about science and the natural world.
- Acquiring knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills to solve problems and make informed decisions in scientific context.
- Developing skills of scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigations and evaluate scientific evidence to draw conclusions.
- Communicating scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences accurately in a variety of ways.
- Thinking analytically, critically and creatively to solve problems, judge arguments and make decisions in scientific context.
- Appreciating the benefits and limitations of science and its application in developments of knowledge, technology and other aspects.
- Demonstrate attitudes and develop values of respect for themselves, others and wildlife including their shared environments.
There are three key aspects to science teaching at Addison Primary School:
- Knowledge based learning
- Inquiry led learning
- Assessment