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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together


Welcome to Cherries Class!


Cherries Class is taught by Miss Gaitantzi, supported by Mr McManus.

If you need to contact us with any exciting news or concerns, please do so via email


Early Years education at Addison is child centred and provides a nurturing, safe and engaging environment for the children to learn and thrive. In Nursery every child is recognised as a unique individual and we are committed to unlocking the potential of every child through a progressive curriculum that inspires children. We identify and celebrate the children’s strengths and support their areas for development.

 Throughout Nursery, children are offered opportunities to develop their social skills and form positive relationships with peers and adults alike. The children are encouraged to be independent in their learning, with adults facilitating when required. 


 Nursery learning can be found in our class page where you will find our curriculum overview along with other information.