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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Music Curriculum

                                                     Music News!!!


On Wednesday 15th May 2024, during their visit to the Rhythm Studios, Year 5 pupils were treated to an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience with a visit from global superstar guest, Ed Sheeran. The pupils had the opportunity to share their music with Ed, who listened very attentively to their compositions and enjoyed a great performance by the band!! We are so proud of our children who rose to the occasion and impressed Ed with their musical talent and enthusiasm!

An unforgettable experience for all! 

Ed Sheeran visit to the Rhythm Studios


Welcome to our Music page!


‘Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.' - Plato


Music at Addison is at the centre of the children’s education. Every child in the school is given various opportunities to discover, develop and showcase their musical talent whilst building important life skills such as confidence, resilience and courage. Children participate enthusiastically in making music and singing in special events at the school and in the local communityIn addition to their weekly music lessons, children are also involved in musical projects run by some of the most prestigious organisations such as the Royal College of Music. We have also developed strong links with the local community and participated in musical events in collaboration with St Paul’s School and the Rhythm Studios. We aim for every child to leave Addison with an understanding and love of music, which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. 


Singing is a particular strength of the school and children have the opportunity to perform in weekly assemblies, concerts and the after-school choir. The 'Sing-Out' choir, which is a free after school club, is open to all children in Phase 2 and offers them the opportunity to further develop their singing skills whilst gaining performing experience.   



Music opportunities at Addison


Every child engages in quality music education from Nursery until the end of Phase 2 in Year 6. Music is taught by a specialist teacher and used to enhance teaching of the core curriculum in addition to being taught as a stand-alone subject. Addison is also truly committed in ensuring that children from all backgrounds have access to a rich musical education and learning a musical instrument in school. We are therefore providing extra small group instrumental lessons, led by Miss Gaitantzi, and support children that have shown a special talent in music.  Groups currently offered are: 

►  Year 2 - Keyboard

►  Year 4  - Recorder

  ►  Year 5 – Ukulele

  To further support our music teaching we have a number of visiting music teachers that teach one-to-one and small group instrumental lessons to those children who wish to pursue music on a more formal level. Currently, we provide lessons on the following instruments: 



Instrumental Groups Photo Gallery

       Music Clubs 2023-24


Singing is an important part of the school and well embedded in its curriculum. To allow pupils to further develop their singing skills while being introduced to a wider repertoire, we offer all pupils from Yr1- 6 the opportunity to join a free after-school choir led by Miss Gaitantzi. We currently run  two separate choirs; a Junior choir, open to Yr 1-3, which practises every Tuesday after school and a Senior choir, open to Y4-6, every Wednesday after school. 

Music Assemblies


On Friday mornings, the children participate in singing assemblies with their phase. We are encouraging children to demonstrate confidence and courage by both practicing already known songs and learning new songs. We make sure that there are a variety of genres e.g. rock, pop, dance and traditional so that children get to perform something that they enjoy. Below are some songs that children are currently singing in their phase.

Phase 1

Born Free

Oh What a Whopper

Can you?

Addison School Song

Cauliflowers Fluffy

Every colour under the sun

The best we can be

Let's dance


                   London Symphony Orchestra resources for KS1: LSO SONGS

Phase 2

Power in Me

Count on me


True Colours

We are the champions


                                                            Music Trips


Year 6 visit to the the Royal College of Music (Autumn term)


Year 6 have had the amazing opportunity to visit the most prestigious music college in the country, the Royal College of Music (RCM), and listen to a live orchestra performing Latin Jazz music. This term, children have been learning about jazz music so the concert gave them a real taste of the music played live by top -class musicians. All children enjoyed their visit, felt inspired and learnt a lot about the different instruments of the orchestra as well as a new musical genre.


" This was the first time I saw a real orchestra playing. It was amazing and so loud!" Yr6 child


Year 4 performance at Kensington Town Hall - TBMH Christmas Festival (Autumn term)


Year 4 had the amazing opportunity to participate in the Christmas singing festival, organised by the Tri-Borough Music Hub and perform at Kensington Town Hall, sharing the stage with 10 other local schools. Their singing was superb; a result of all the hard work they’ve put in and the courage they’ve shown on stage. Well done children, you have made us all very proud!



Yr 6 trip to the Royal College of Music in October

TBMH Christmas Festival

Music learning at Addison