Assessment overview
All Addison children make good academic progress and achieve well compared to their peers.
Foundation Stage
Children’s development in Reception and Nursery is judged against the Early Years Foundation Stage profile and Development Matters. We make regular assessments and observations of children’s development.
End of Key-Stage 1 (Year 2)
Children are assessed in national key-stage tests, usually at 7 years old. Children are assessed in Reading, Spelling and Grammar, Writing and Maths.
End of Key-Stage 2 (Year 6)
Children are tested in national end of key-stage tests (commonly known as SATs) usually at 11 years old. Children are assessed in Reading, Spelling and Grammar, Writing and Maths. Results in Reading and Writing are combined to give a result in English.
Other Year Groups
At Addison, children are assessed in Reading, Spelling and Grammar, Writing and Maths against age related expectations every school term. We report these results to parents at the end of every term.
School Performance Tables
School Performance Tables are published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Education’s website.