Gallery of our learning
We had a truly fantastic day out in London on Tuesday 7th June. We started the day with a brilliant boat down the River Thames. We saw so many famous London landmarks and buildings, including The House of Parliament, The Tower of London and the Shard! We heard some very interesting stories of London in the past. Next we had our trip on the 135m tall London eye! It was an exciting ride, that is for sure! Getting on and off was very entertaining as the wheel doesn't stop moving! We could see for miles across London and beyond. We all felt extremely lucky and had a superb day.
The spring term ended with a BANG with a Silly Science workshop. It was as fascinating and hilarious as ever! We learned lots about the magic of science and had the chance to help demonstrate some awesome experiments!
In March, six year 6 children were lucky enough to represent the school at Chelsea Town Hall for the 2022 Children's parliament event. Sophie and Marko did a fantastic job of making a speech on the importance of reducing waste. We got the opportunity to feedback to the other schools on their presentations and vote for our favourite.

Year 6 had a great day out at Kidzania. Throughout the day, the children had the opportunity to 'earn money' while working for different companies and industries. The children could then use the money they earned to train to be professionals in a range of careers. A fun an educational day was had by all!
This year we celebrated world book day for the whole week! We had a great time sharing our love of books and reading. We joined up with year 4 to read in pairs, learned and performed our own rap poems and dressed up as our favourite book character!

Friday 4th February was Number Day. The children came to school wearing 'number' themed clothing and donated money to the NSPCC.
Some of the year 6 students have been visiting the Rhythm studio in Hammersmith. The children are being helped by music students and teachers to form their own band. The children are practicing hard during the sessions, ready to perform together. The roles include playing: the guitars, the drums, percussion instruments and singing!

We have been busy planning our own Legends this week based on the story 'Saint George and the Dragon'. We have been sharing our amazing ideas with each other on how we can adapt our stories to make them our own. We will choose our own settings and main themes for the story. Look out for our finished stories! Our teachers will upload a selection as soon as we have completed them.