Year 4
Hello and welcome to Year 4!
Topaz Class is taught by Miss Franco and they are supported by Mrs Lalji.
They can be contacted via email
English, Maths and Science are our core subjects; please make sure that your child learns their spellings, reads every day and learns all of the times tables up to 12x tables, off by heart and out of order (including the division facts).
We follow the ‘VIPERS skills’ when reading (please see below). So, when you listen to your child read at home, ask them questions linked to these skills. After reading with them, please sign their reading journal with a comment. These will be checked daily. Children should also practise their times tables and can do this at home using ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ (each child has a personal login) and games such as ‘Hit the Button’ on
Maths and English homework is set Monday-Thursday. We aim to check and mark every day. Weekends can then be spent practising times tables and reading for pleasure.
Please feel free to click on the 'What We Are Learning' icon to find a 'Curriculum Overview' for this half-term, along with vocabulary mats for Science and Topic. Finally, don't forget to take a look at our photos in the 'Gallery of Our Learning' area.