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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Topaz class is taught by Miss Elmi

Year 4 is an incredibly important year, but also a year full of an exciting adventure! Within our school year, we will be focussing on core and foundation subjects. English and maths are our core subjects but the children also participate in a range of subjects including: guided reading, science, history, geography, computing, music and PE. Handwriting, times tables and SPAG are a huge focus in Year 4.



Please ensure that children are learning their weekly spellings as our test is taken place on Fridays. Reading journals should be completed please make sure that they are signed daily. At Addison we follow the VIPERS skills when reading, so please ask questions linked to these skills when reading at home. Reading journals  will be checked daily. Children should also practise their times tables and can do this at home using ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ (each child has a personal login) and games such as ‘Hit the Button’ on  


Homework is set Monday to Thursday and weekends can then be spent practising number fluency (KIRFs) and reading for pleasure. Monday to Wednesday will be English and maths homework then Thursday homework each week will be Topic related. This means it will revise and support our learning in the afternoon subjects (e.g. history, geography or science).


Please feel free to click on the 'What We Are Learning' icon to find a 'Curriculum Overview' for this half term, along with vocabulary mats for science and topic (history, geography and science). Don’t forget to keeping an eye out at our photos in the 'Gallery of Our Learning' area!


If you need to contact us, our email address is 


Miss Elmi.