PSHE at Addison
Our Aim:
Throughout our teaching at Addison, we aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children which will support them when in social situations both in and outside of school. We believe that PSHE education is embedded into everyday life at Addison as well as being taught in lessons. Our PSHE curriculum reflects the school’s beliefs that are promoted by the Values based Education. We aspire to give our pupils experiences and opportunities to help them become resilient, compassionate, resourceful individuals. These values encourage children to have respect for themselves and others and take responsibility for their own actions and others around them.
How we teach PSHE:
At Addison Primary School we use SCARF, a comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE and Wellbeing education. It covers all of the DfE's new statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, including non-statutory Sex Education, and the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study’s recommended learning opportunities, as well as contributing to different subject areas in the National Curriculum. We follow the six suggested half-termly units and adapt the scheme of work where necessary to meet the local circumstances of our school.
Each term, the whole school focuses on a value. We teach the values through assemblies, discrete lessons, whole school activities and learning through involvement in the life of school and wider community. The children learn the meaning of this value and how we can show this value through our actions.
British Values
The children are also taught the British Values:
The Rule of Law (Autumn 2)
Mutual Respect (Spring 1)
Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs (Spring 2)
Individual Liberty (Summer 1)
Democracy (Summer 2)
Children learn how these British values affect them and others in life inside and out of school. They understand why these values are important and how they can affect others if they are not followed. Classes often have debates to discuss why these values are important.
Children are encouraged to engage in activities that promote an understanding of themselves as growing and changing individuals, and as members of a wider community, based on their own first hand experiences. These activities also encourage pupils to understand how their choices and behaviours can affect others. They are encouraged to play and learn alongside – then collaboratively with – their peers. They may use their personal and social skills to develop or extend these activities. Children are also given the opportunity to make choices about their health and environment and are encouraged to develop a caring attitude towards others.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)
Within the curriculum, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) learning is all interlinked. It links to the pupil’s attitudes, morals, behaviour in society and cultural understanding of others around them.
Mental Health
The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Having good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with problems in their lives and to help them grow into well-rounded, healthy adults. Research has found that mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people. We aim to teach children about what mental health is and how they can keep mentally well.
RSE is an important part of our curriculum where children learn about both health and relationships. Below are the lesson plans that teachers will be using to teach these lessons in the second half of the summer term.