Welcome to Reception!
Blueberries Class is taught by Mrs Otto and supported by Ms Carol.
Reception is an incredibly important year full of exciting challenges! We focus on phonics and maths as well as a variety of subjects including: science, PSHE, music and PE. We work towards achieving a variety of Early Learning Goals which are split into key areas: Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design. Within these areas, there are key statements that the children work towards across the year.
To support your child, please read with your child every day. They can also have a go at spotting sounds that we have learnt in school: for example looking for things that start with 'a' on your walk home.
Please feel free to click on the 'What We Are Learning' icon and take a look at the photos in the 'Gallery of Our Learning' area.
If you need to contact us, my email address is
Mrs Otto