Gallery of Our Learning
World Book Day!
London Zoo
Year 6 have been thoroughly enjoying our new writing topic on St George and the Dragon with a twist. The student have been tasked with taking the legend and changing it in a way to make it more interesting for the reader. The children have come up with some wonderful ideas that will make for great reading. In maths, decimals have been the focus and the children have learnt how to convert fractions to decimals and then order them. We are continuing our learning on Baghdad and we plan to create a brochure to entice locals to move there during the time. Our new guided reading book has really captured the imagination and we are looking forward to finding out what happens next in the book of Arabian tales. Keep up the great work, Year 6!
Welcome back Year 6, we hope you had a well-deserved break and you are now fully recharged to engage in the exciting and important term we have ahead of us. This half-term in English we will be writing our own version of a legend story – St George and the Dragon – with added plot twists, the ideas are completely up to the students. In maths, we will be learning about decimals, how to divide them by integers and compare them fractions. In topic we are moving on from our WWII topic onto something we hope the students will find very interesting. We will be learning about early Islamic civilisation, particularly the rise and fall of the great city of Baghdad and reading One Thousand and One Arabian Nights to run alongside this in our guided reading sessions. We are pleased to see already that so many of our students are taking their homework responsibilities seriously once again and hope this continues throughout the term, students are encouraged to bring in their own reading books to read in our new reading corners! Let’s keep up the hard work, Year 6!