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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Gallery of Our Learning

Our trip to the Roald Dahl Museum!

Learning how to tell the time in Maths!

Practising the 5 and 10 times table in maths!

Researching continents in geography

Obstacle courses in PE

Holding balances in PE

We put our imperative verbs into practice where Miss Simmons chopped the apple, diced the pear and tossed the fruit salad. We even tasted some of the fruit if we wanted to!

Preparing to write our own instructions by reading 'a sweetcorn salad' in guided reading! Ms Sheppard helped us with challenging words

Learning our key words in English. We learned adjectives like 'zesty', imperative verbs like 'drizzle' and adverbs like 'generously'.

We used the twenty frames to add numbers together in maths.

Our Great Fire of London landscapes!