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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Gallery of learning

Are you ready for our big quiz?

What is the value of waiting during Advent for Christians?

Oh grandma! What big eyes you have!

Can you make patterns using shapes?

Can your construct your own windmill?

What is the whole?

Can you read a map?

Can only our hands feel?

How do the seasons affect our changing world?

Computer Day - Can you control the mouse? Can you write and edit text on a computer?

What were toys like in the past?

Can you explain basic first aid procedures?

Can you compare numbers using < > and = ?

Making waves using different types of lines

Can you find al the number bonds to 10?

Run run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I am the gingerbread man!

RE day - How can we show thanks?

Is all paper the same?

Can you find one less than a given number?

Oh no! We have to go through it!

Can you find one more than a given number?

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt