Useful Learning Websites
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- Useful Learning Websites
Maths and English
TT Rock Stars Click on this link so you can practise your times tables at home.
Oxford Owl Reading Register for access to online reading books (all different stages) and comprehension tasks
cbeebies radio Listen to online stories and poems
BBC 'Move and Learn' active learning Fun and active learning websites
Grammar Support Use this link to practise and learn grammar rules with your child.
ICT Games online Maths and English skills games
Top Marks Maths and English skills games
Definitions Useful children friendly definitions.
Home learning packs for parents
Hamilton Trust English and Maths learning packs English and Maths home learning packs for year 2
Classroom secrets Interactive resources and home learning packs
Twinkle Lots of great resources and ideas to help teach your child at home
White Rose Live lessons from Addison's maths scheme (White Rose) with step by step guidance on teaching
Mystery Science Online fun and educational science activities for children
All subjects- including all non core subjects
BBC Live sessions for children Live lessons for KS1 children in ALL subjects
KS1 BBC Bitesize for ALL subjects Learning games and videos for ALL subjects
Modern Foreign Languages
Duolingo Learn languages for free on web or app
Daily PE lessons with Joe Wicks PE lessons with Joe Wicks- weekly Mon-Fri