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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together


Maths at Addison


Our Aim:

At Addison, we aim to provide our children with a high quality mathematical education which provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about the subject. We believe that mathematics is a creative discipline which should be incorporated in all areas of the curriculum. Mathematics equips children with a powerful set of tools that they can use in everyday life.


How we teach Mathematics: 

Pupils at Addison are involved in a wide range of mathematical activities which help them to be fluent, confident mathematicians. We believe with the right support and structure all pupils ‘can do’ maths.  Our Maths lessons show pupils that anyone can become a master of maths if they put in the effort and get the support they need to succeed. All children are supported to learn new concepts, solve problems, develop their mental skills and reason mathematically.


We use the ‘mastery’ approach with the White Rose scheme of learning to structure our lessons. All lessons begin with ‘Flashback 4’ which is a mental recap of previous learning. This is followed by new learning which focusses on helping children become fluent in maths concepts and strengthen their foundational knowledge. Children are encouraged to independently choose the method they use to tackle number problems successfully. Through regular and rigorous practice, they embed these skills in different contexts and develop their ability to reason when solving problems.  Maths reasoning tasks get children thinking about number problems logically so they can reach conclusions, find solutions and decide which methods to use and why. We support conceptual understanding through the use of concrete and pictorial resources before relating them to abstract concepts.


In addition, children increase their knowledge of number facts through weekly tests (see KIRFS table below) and daily homework which enforces previous learning. We also use Times Tables Rock Stars to encourage the children to recall times tables instantaneously.



How parents can support their children with Mathematics:

If children are to be fluent in mathematics, we believe they require quick and accurate recall of facts. You can help your children by rehearsing number facts at home. Multiplication facts and number bonds can be rehearsed in many different ways, from playing games to using charts and computer programs.


In the table below are the National Curriculum times tables end of year expectations for each year group. Children regularly work on their times tables in school but it important for them to practise at home too.



Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. Recall and use doubles of all numbers to 10 and corresponding halves.
Year 2


Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

Year 3


Recall and use the multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.

Year 4


Recall and use multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12


Year 5


Revision of all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12.

Year 6Revision of all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12.


Maths online resources and games:

Calculation Policy

Multiplication Tables Check - Year 4

Number Day