Pupil Voice
Parliament Assemblies
Each half term we hold whole school 'Parliament' style assemblies where we come together to discuss issues, giving every child a voice in the life of our school.
A whole cohort of children from Year 6 to Year 1 join together in one of our hall spaces. Children work in small circle groups of up to 6 children. The oldest children, usually Year 6 age, become group leaders, making sure that everyone in the group feels welcomed and contributes. The next oldest children, usually Year 5 age, act as scribes for the group, recording the outcomes of each discussion.
Democracy in action
Children discuss issues and come to a consensus of opinion, sometimes by voting or by taking the view of the majority for the group. Children's views help to guide school leaders and governors evaluate the strengths of the school and steer our improvements.
We discuss themes linked to the School Development Plan or themes that arise in School Council meetings.