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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6's year group page!

In Year 6 we have 2 classes: Amber Class taught by Miss Setters and Orange Class taught by Mr Roberts. We are supported in the year group by Ms Mouradian, Ms Quientero-Berns and Ms Sheikh. If you need to contact us, our email address is:

In Year 6 we teach English, maths and guided reading daily and this is supported by the daily homework we set on Google Classroom. Throughout the week the children also participate in a range of subjects including history, geography, science, computing, Spanish, music and P.E. We also teach handwriting, spellings and times tables during the week. It is important the children reinforce their learning from school at home with the variety of resouces available to them such as Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Frame. 


Please explore our page to see what the children have been doing and many other useful links!

Team Year 6