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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

What We Are Learning

In Summer 1 Term Week 2 we are:



Learning the sound 'u’



Learning to describe an object using positional language. "the dinosaur is under the table"



Reading 'Bug's big adventure'- Bug has a big adventure to the water hole where he can clean. He goes up, down, under, in and between.


What can parents do to support their child's learning and development this week?

  • Daily practice of out sound 'u’, recognising it, writing it and saying words that start with the sound u.
  • Ask your child to place objects in different postions. (Above, under, in, inbetween, in front of, behind, on, next)



Reminder- Homework is due Thursday, please ensure you send pictures to and bring in homework books.



Spring 2 Nursery Overview

Spring 1 Nursery Overview

Autumn 2 Nursery Overview

Autumn 1 Nursery Overview