Gallery of Our Learning
During World Book Day the children completed a variety of activities. Activities included: Children from Cream class coming to read with the children from Ruby class and the children taking part in performance poetry, they performed Michael Rosen's I am Angry poem.
World Book Day Dressing up as a Character
World Book Day
Welcome back to school, we have had 2 weeks back and we have been very busy with our learning. In English we are looking at biographies and by the end of our unit the children will be writing a biography on Tutankhamun. In Science, the children have had their first investigation predicting which materials are attracted to magnets. In RE our focus is on Hinduism and the festival of Holi, this week they acted out the story of Holika and Prahlad. The children also found out that making pyramids was a tricky thing to do! Have a look at the photos.
Photos of Year 3 learning from week 1 and 2
We have come to the end of week two and our topics have changed from last term. In PE we are working on team building and as a team. To link with COP26 the children were learning about the impact of climate change on the Polar regions and the animals that live there. The children discussed what they could do to help reduce carbon emission and made promise leaves to create a COP26 tree. The children also debated the following question: Melting ice in the North and South Poles has nothing to do with me.
I have uploaded a few photos from the past 2 weeks.
Working together in PE, COP26 tree and leaves,
Working together in PE
We have come to the end of Autumn Term 1 and it has been a very busy term. The children have been amazing and have adapted well to the change in teacher, classroom and what has been asked of them.
Please enjoy the few photos that I managed to take over the past few weeks.