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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together


Reading and phonics


EYFS - Phonics

In EYFS, we follow the programme 'Read-Write-Inc' (RWI). Following this scheme, children learn a sound of the day. They then complete reading activities for that stage. All RWI teachers have received training so the teaching of phonics remains consistent in teaching and learning behaviours. Some children in EYFS use the storybooks, whilst others are still learning to blend their sounds. We assess children in EYFS and KS1 every half term. The phonics lead shares the children’s results with the class teachers and discusses the re-grouping of children according to each child’s progress. 


KS1 - Phonics

In Year 1, teachers use RWI phonics in their English lessons in order to prepare them for the Screening Check in June. At the end of Year 1 (the summer term), children complete the RWI programme and are ready to move on to guided reading sessions that follow the 'VIPERS' (Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Sequence) format, in readiness for Year 2.  



From Year 2, children take part in structured lessons four times a week following the VIPERS skills. Children learn the skills discretely and use these skills to answer questions independently. Alike with our focus on vocabulary in writing, children learn new vocabulary every Guided Reading lesson; (words in the text they are reading). Teachers define the new words in lessons and children revise the words throughout the week, using them to understand and answer questions.


Extra-curricular reading

At Addison, we arrange extra-curricular reading opportunities for the children, ranging from author visits, drama workshops of the stories we are reading in class, and of course, the renowned World Book Day. Take a look at what we have experienced this year!



Celebrating Roald Dahl Day!



Our Peter Pan Workshop!



Putting on our costumes and performing during Shakespeare Week!



Using our Addison passport to visit different worlds on World Book Day!