Handwriting and Spellings
At Addison, we use pre-cursive font in EYFS and at the start of Year 1. Handwriting is incorporated within the RWI programme. After this, we follow the Nelson Handwriting Scheme to learn how to form our letters and numbers. Children learn discrete handwriting in at least three lessons a week. Whilst children up until Year 1 use handwriting books, children move on to practising handwriting in the back of their English books so that presentation remains consistent in all subjects. Once children can prove their handwriting is accurate and consistent, teachers award these children with a pen license. The children love it when they receive their very own handwriting pen!
Children learn words for weekly spelling tests. We accept that there will be mistakes in tests, and just look for consistency and improvement. After all, two out of 10 is twice as good as one out of 10! We encourage children to identify misspelt words in their own writing and provide opportunities for them to make necessary corrections using resources at hand, i.e. phonic sound charts or dictionaries.