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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

Gallery of learning

PSHE-We had a debate based on the British Value 'The rule of Law'. Our debate was about how laws are used and if they always keep us safe.

Cricket-We had a cricket session where we practiced our throwing and catching skills.

Book Fair-We had a lovely time exploring the books at the Book Fair. We chose the ones we wanted to read and sat down and had some reading time.

Computing Day-We had a computing day where we learnt about different networks and servers and how they connect. We used Chinese whispers to show how information can travel and created our own network of people.

Science-We have been learning about the skeleton and muscles. We carried out different exercises and learnt about the muscles that were working with each exercise.

History-In History, we have been learning about the Iron age and the importance of trade. We acted out how trade was used and how people would barter for goods.

English-In English we have learnt new vocabulary words, we used drama to help us remember the words and to deepen our understanding of them.

Fulham Palace-We had a workshop at Fulham Palace to learn more about the Stone Age. We looked at different artefacts from that time period and discussed what they were used for. Then, we went outside and got to build a shelter, a trap, a camp and forage for food just like Stone Age people.

English-We have been learning about instructions, we played a game of 'Mrs Gillespie Says' to practise listening to different commands.

Spanish- We have been learning different greetings in Spanish for good morning, good afternoon and good evening. We really enjoy using drama to act out our spanish.

Art-In Art, we have been learning about botanical drawings. We used our sketching skills to sketch different leaves.

Drama workshop-A drama workshop came in and we played really fun games. These helped build our confidence especially presenting in front of others.

RE Day-We had a whole day of learning of RE. Our concept was rituals and we focused on how water is used in rituals for Christians, Muslims and Sikhs. We carried out a range of activities and had Cameron visit to have a discussion about Baptism.

PSHE-In our PSHE lessons we have been learning about who keeps us safe and we listened to true or false statements and used our whiteboards to answer.

Science-In Science, we have been learning how to have a balanced diet. We learnt about different nutrients and how they keep our bodies healthy.

Art-In art we practised how to shade shapes using the 4 techniques of shading.

History-In history we have been learning about the Stone Age. We used archaeological evidence to discover the differences in Stone Age to Iron Age houses.

Art-In Art we have been practising our sketching skills by focusing on shapes. We had to find different shapes in the classroom and sketch and label them.

English-In English we were learning our new vocabulary words to help us with our writing. We used drama to help us learn these words and presented them to the class.

Welcome to Year 3!