Gallery of Our Learning
Art-In Art we our continuing to learn about Mosaics. This week we made our own using different pieces of coloured paper. We chose our design and sketched it lightly onto the paper. Then we cut up different pieces of paper and stuck them into our shape. We discussed how important it was to leave gaps and not overlap as that would be a collage. We loved using different colours and were really focused when completing the task!
Science-We investigated woodlice in science, We made a choice chamber with different areas for the woodlice to explore. We had a dark, dry, damp and light section. We made predictions about which section the woodlice would like the most then we observed over time where they moved.
Fulham Palace- We had a trip to Fulham Palace where we explored what life was like in an Ancient Roman villa. We got to hold Roman artefacts and dress up in Roman clothes. We then got to explore Fulham Palace and learn about the bishops and see the great hall and the chapel. Next we explored the beautiful gardens and enjoyed playing on the logs.
Art-In Art we have been looking at Roman mosaics. Today we used sticks and paint to print a border and a Roman design. We had to be careful to not use too much paint and take our time.
History-In History we have been learning about Ancient Rome. We learnt about what life was like in Roman society and who was allowed to vote. We matched the words to the definitions to find out who was who in Roman society.
Computing-In computing we are learning how to research information and send emails. We researched information on the Romans and then emailed them to another child in the class. We then were able to respond to their email with more facts.
Roald Dahl Day-Year 4 have had an excellent start to the year celebrating Roald Dahl Day! Our story was 'The Magic Finger' which we re-enacted a scene from in groups. Then we wrote our own story as if we had a magic finger and what powers we would have. Then we designed our own magic finger.
Sports Day- We had a great time at Bute House for Sports Day! We did an egg and spoon race, hoop race, sack race, javelin and sprints.
DT- We made Viking shields in DT. First we learnt all about Viking shields and how they were made. Then we designed our own and used paint or felt tips to decorate. Finally we glued it to cardboard and cut it out.
Holland Park-We had a lovely day at Holland park to celebrate the end of year 4 and all the hard work the children have been doing. We played in the adventure playground we especially loved the big swing! We then had a picnic and played tennis and football.
Witches poem from Macbeth

Witches poem from Macbeth

Shakespeare Week

PE-We have been practising relay races and sprinting in PE in preparation for Sports Day. The we played Dodgeball where we had to work as a team and practise our throwing skills.
Shakespeare day-We dressed up as different Shakespeare characters to finish off Shakespeare week. We had Juliets, witches, Kings and Romeos.
Shakespeare workshop-We took part in a Shakespeare workshop which was based on the play 'Romeo and Juliet'. We got to dress up in costumes and act out the play. Then the actors taught us how to improve our acting skills using our voice and movement.
Shakespeare Week Drama-We have been learning about the Shakespeare play Macbeth. We love acting and performing in front of the class. We had to work well as a team as we had to play more then one character.
Kidzania-Year 4 went on a trip to Kidzania where we leant all about different jobs and careers. We loved exploring and being firefighters, newsreaders, radio show hosts and spies!
Science-In science we are learning about states of matter. We took an ice cube to see what would happen if we added it to water. Then we added oil to the water and we were so surprised that the ice cube was floating above the water!
Geography-In geography we have been learning about maps, we looked at maps with 4 figure grid references. To check our understanding we played battleships where we plotted our ships and then used grid references to guess our partners boats. We managed to sink a lot of ships!
Science-In science we have been learning about states of matter. We carried out an investigation on fizzy drinks to see how the weight of the gas would change after an hour. We loved stirring the drinks to make more bubbles!
English-We are learning about explanation texts. We had to research information about Viking longships using the laptops and ipads to include in our explanation text. We used a search engine to find facts and then took notes.
English-We love using our drama skills to learn new key words in English. We acted out words such as longship and shipyard. We collaborate and share our ideas and then perform in front of the class.
Queens Jubilee-We celebrated the Queens Jubilee with a visit from the Queen! We got to ask her lots of questions about royal life. Then we had a party with lots of cake and dancing, and the Queen appeared again and we sang the national anthem and she made a speech.
Art-In Art we have been making Viking Long Boats. First we coloured in our boats and shields, then we glued the paper to cardboard. We found it tricky to cut the carboard but we persevered and did it! We are excited to glue it and add the sails.
Museum of London-We visited the Museum of London to gain a deeper understanding about Medieval England. We saw artefacts from Roman, Anglo Saxon and Viking eras. We even saw an Anglo Saxon house! We explored the museum and found swords, jewellery, mosaics and gold.
Drama-In English we use drama to help us learn key vocabulary. By acting out the words it helps us to remember them, we really enjoy acting and performing in front of our peers.
English-We have started our new topic poetry where we shall be writing a poem on the character Gunnar from 'Viking Boy'. We have been learning the different features of a poem such as rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and imagery.
Science-In Science our topic is Electricity, we have been making circuits using bulbs and batteries. We added more batteries to see how it would affect the circuit.
Computing-We have been learning how to research and record information online safely in computing. We discussed the importance of knowing the weather forecast and then went onto the Met Office website and researched past weather events. We learnt lots of interesting facts about previous storms and flooding in the UK.
Art-In art this half term we have been learning about the work of Alexander Calder. He used wire to make sculptures. We looked at his different sculptures, discussed how they were made and sketched them. Then we used wire to create our own mobiles, the wire was easy to bend but tough to cut but we managed to create some masterpieces!
Science Week-To celebrate Science Week we took part in a Science workshop where we got to see some amazing experiments! We were shocked and amazing at the different chemical reactions we saw.
Science-We are learning all about sound in Science! We carried out an experiment on high and low pitches using glass of water. We made predictions and recorded our results.
Barnes Music Festival-Our choir joined four other Primary schools from the borough to take part in a music festival at St Pauls School. The children sang beautifully alongside an older choir and sang various songs including one naming all the bridges in London.
Red Nose Day-We had lots of fun for Red Nose Day at school. We took part in a talent show where we told jokes and showed off our amazing acting skills.
Science-In Science we have been learning about sound. We were learning about how sound travels using vibrations. We made paper telephones and investigated how the sound changed if we had the string tight or loose, or if someone held it.
Music-We are taking part in the Thames Music Project this year! On Monday we learnt all about recycling and the 3 R's and how it helps the environment. They we created our own shakers out of bottles and decorated them.
World Book Day-Today we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite characters from books. We also learnt a poem and wrote a diary entry about the exciting events that happened today!
PE Joy of Movement- This half term we are taking part in the "Joy of Movement" a scheme ran by QPR. We are learning the importance of fitness and how we can stay healthy. We played different games and measured our heart rate each time to see if it was faster or slower.
DT-Last half term we spent learning about Anglo Saxon houses. We then designed our house. began making it from cardboard making sure the pieces were cut correctly and carefully. We then glue our roof to the house and painted and added straw to give it a thatched roof effect. We were very pleased with the results!
Mental health week-We have been focusing on our wellbeing this week by ending the day with some yoga. We find this very relaxing and a nice way to stretch at the end of the day.
Number Day-Today we wore numbers into school to celebrate Number Day! We had fun maths activities and took part in a times table rock star battle.
English-We watched a live zoom event called the ‘Miles of Magic’ with illustrator Jonny Duddle (the illustrator of the 2014 Harry Potter book covers). We heard about how he created his iconic covers and discuss how he brought the characters to life on paper. We then had a go at sketching our own Hagrid using his techniques!
Maths-We have moved onto Area in maths. We have been using post its to work out the area and help count shapes.
Music-Year 4 went to St Pauls School to learn a song about bridges as part of Barnes music festival. We sang so beautifully and were able to remember the song.
English-Look at our amazing narrative writing! We have been reading 'Danny the Champion of the World' and we rewrote a scene focusing on using direct speech and description. Our handwriting and presentation is improving every week!
RE-In RE we have been looking at Hindu Myths. This week we acted out the story of the Godess Lakshmi and Diwali. We love performing and acting in front of our classmates.
Computing-Our computing topic this term in coding and we are amazing at it! Each week we develop our skills further and can animate our sprites and include background.
Science-we made models of the digestive system using recycling. We worked really well in groups and designed our model before making it.


Maths-In Maths we are carrying on with our topic of multiplication and division in Spring term. Here we are practising making arrays with counters to help us find factor pairs. Our times table knowledge really helped us with our learning!
DT-We finished our volcano CAM toys! It was a bit tricky making the cam but we persevered and completed it.
RE-We have been learning about Mary Mother of God in our RE lessons so today we went to St Simons church to learn more her. We saw stain glass windows with images of Mary and asked lots of questions to deepen our understanding.
Christmas Jumper Day-We wore our Christmas jumpers today and looked very festive! We also donated money to a charity which helps other children that are fortunate.

Christmas Lunch-We had a delicious Christmas lunch with amazing puddings! We even got to pull crackers and hear some jokes.
Panto-We have a great time watching Cinderella today. We laughed so much and even got to show off some dancing skills!
Science-In Science we have been learning about the digestion system. We used crackers and juice to see how acid breaks down the food in our stomach and then squeezed it through a sock to see how it moves through the intestines. It was extremely fun and messy!
Tennis-On Friday we headed to Brook Green and learnt how to play tennis. The coaches made us do warm up games that were really fun and got us ready for exercise. Then we learnt how to control the ball with our hands and then moved onto rackets.
Science-In science we have been learning about teeth and how to keep them healthy. Today we carried out an experiment on eggs in different liquids to see what will happen to them. We are excited to see on Monday if there have been any changes!
Design & Technology-This half term we are learning all about CAM toys. We have been looking at different CAMs and how they are designed. We are very excited to make our own volcano CAM toy. We have been practicing making the base to secure our toy. We had to cut and fold it carefully and we were all so helpful and helped others who needed it.
PE-In PE this half term we are learning all about communication skills and tactics with outdoor games. This week we were playing a giant game of rock, paper scissors. We loved doing the actions and working as a team. Then the game changed and we got to chase the other team to tag them. We love working as a team and collaborating in PE.
Maths-We are starting to practice our times table daily using Times Table Rock Stars! We love that we can use games to help our learning and we collaborate with our partner to get the right answer. We can also log in at home to help us practice our times tables.
