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Addison Primary School

Addison Primary School

Learn Together, Enjoy Together, Achieve Together

What we are learning

In Phonics we are still focusing on our set 1 phonics sounds but now beginning to blend sounds into words! We use the RWI scheme and revise a sound each day and then use Fred Talk to help us read and write words. 


In Literacy, we are starting our Talk4Writing scheme and have begun 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. First, we learn the story using actions and a story map. Then we retell the story and then begin writing about it. 


In Maths, we are looking at circles and triangles before moving onto looking at numbers 1-5! 



In the wider subjects we are looking at the theme of 'transport', talking about how we get to school, what kind of transport we prefer, who operates modes of transport and much more. 


For homework this half term: there are multiple options to choose from, all linked to 'transport'. Homework is due every Thursday. 


Meet the Teacher slides